Privacy Policy Privacy Policy constructed this privacy policy with the purpose of giving you a crystal view and all the security measures set in place for every we get from you while using our site. is hard-working and steadfast. Our technical team has put in everything necessary to ensure your privacy while using this website is protected fully. subsequently may not or may require your details which would be used as an identity while you make use of our website.

We guarantee that you that every piece of information given to us will never be given out or sold to anyone aside what we asked for, for any reason. We would adhere fully by this privacy policy.

When necessary because of certain reasons, would be modifying our policy by updating this page. You’re advised to check this page occasionally, to ensure that the alteration made suits you.

Our uppermost desire is to amaze our readers. The info provided is for us to get the full picture of your main need and provide you with quality service. The basic reasons are listed below:

  • Keeping internal reports.
  • Expansion of our services and products.

Updates concerning new products, special offers or other necessary info that would be of great use to you would be sent to you via email.

We may also use your information to contact you for various market research purposes once in a while. We may get in touch with you through your email, phone or Fax. We may most times use your information to customize our website based on your interests.

We would host various game tournaments from time to time to socialize with our readers, just in case you get notified – be ready to win.

Security is highly concerned with making sure that your info is guarded and intact. To stop any unauthorized disclosure or exposure of your information. We have set in place suitable physical, electronic and decision-making processes to uphold and guard the info we take online.