Outlook Mail – Before we jump into the features or benefits of Outlook Mail, we have to briefly look into the company rendering this services to its users.
Thus, Outlook.com is a web-based suite of webmail contacts, tasks and calendaring services rendered by Microsoft to its users, and it is one of the world’s first webmail services, this services was founded in 1996 as Hotmail stylized then HoTMail.

On the other hand, outlook mail is mostly used for storing, receiving and sending emails, it is called a personal information management tool because it is also includes calendar, tasks, contacts and notes as well as a journal, also in a larger organization.
Outlook Mail is used on a server for example an exchange server so that software can enable multiple users. Outlook has usual email features such as inbox, outbox, drafts and deleted items. There is also Task which is a feature that enables users to remember things you need to do with the ability to set an audible alarm.
Benefits of outlook mail
- Outlook and Microsoft Exchange play well together, for if your email server runs Microsoft Exchange, outlook is a no-brainer.
- Active directory’s authentication extends to exchange , which means that a user can simply log on to a computer, start outlook, and her Active Directory credentials are passed to the Exchange server-no typing or spate log on required.
- Outlook mail integrates with many devices and application.
- Also this communication platform makes it easy to organize your assets, for you can sort messages into folders, or forward or redirect them according to selected criteria.
- You should also know that Outlook play nicely with Share Point for Microsoft’s SharePoint is a collaborative platform offering tools for building and managing websites, intranets and workspaces.
- This platform expedites workflow that is to say outlook is not just limited to mere email, thus, companies can set up workflows for functions such as online voting.
- Thus, it will interest you to know that outlook user interface is familiar, to enable users to use the software platform.
- Devices provided by Outlook which include an address ‘s book, calendar, task, thus all pieces integrated, dragging and dropping email message can create an appointment or a task or a note.
- Note also that outlook has pretty Good security. Although Microsoft has a bad reputation in regards to security front, since 2007, this platform has good junk mail filtering, blocks external content which include web bugs and downloaded images and data from foreign sites.
- A good thing to know about this platform is that you are not limited to a single account in outlook. Thus, several accounts using different protocols can feed into the same=me set of folders can be managed with one set of rules.
How To Create Outlook Mail Account
Just few minutes you will open your outlook Mail account and follow the under listed procedures, for with a freeoutlook.com account, you can access your email, calendar, tasks and contacts from anywhere you have an internet connection:
- Open a web browser, go to the Outlook.com sign-up screen and select create free account.
- Then enter your preferred username that is the part that comes before @outlook.com.
- Select the arrow at the far right of the username field to change the domain from the default outlook.com to Hotmail.com, they one you prefer.
- Enter and then re-enter your preferred password.
- Register your first and last names in the provided space.
- Choose your region in the field provided and enter your birthdate.
- Put in the characters from the CAPTCHA image.
- Select Next
- Open your new outlook.com account on the web or set it up for access in email programs on computers and mobile devices.