Here are 10 tips and tricks about Windows 10 that you never knew off. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been using Windows 10 or if you recently updated your version of the windows 10, You might still not have an idea that these tricks even existing.
These tricks will teach you to be more effective while using your computer. Basically, every Windows 10 update comes with one or two tricks, knowing these tricks is what makes updating your OS worth it.
You can also rest assured that these tips are exclusive to Windows 10 and you are among the few people who now know about it as Microsoft isn’t really good on opening up about its hidden features in the Windows OS.

10 Tricks You Never Knew Of In Windows 10
Below are 10 tricks you never knew of in the Windows 10 OS.
1. Enable Slide to Shutdown
Complicated but not really effective, but don’t worry as we go down in our list, we are going to be listing out some great tricks.
To do this; Right-click on the desktop and select “New”>”Shortcut”. On the next pop-up menu, paste the following code below;
Next, a clickable icon on your desktop will be created in which you can rename. Double-click on the created icon to prompt a downward-facing shade and drag the shade down to the bottom of the screen using your mouse. This will shut down your computer.
2. Right Click On the Taskbar
This will pop-up a menu that contains quick access to a number of toolbars, Cortana, window and so much more setting schemes.
3. Open the Secret Start Menu
Tap on the “Windows” key + “X” or right-click on the “Windows/Start” icon. This will open up a different start menu from the usual one that opens up when you click on the “Windows” key.
Extra Tip: Drag Windows to Pin Them
This feature isn’t really exclusive to Windows 10, it’s also possible in Windows 7 but not as effective as in Windows 10. Grab any open Window, screen, or page like you are trying to reduce it to any size you want.
To automatically share all the windows and pages to a very minimal size that is open on your computer’s screen; Hit the “Windows” key + any Directional Arrows Button.
4. Minimize all Windows
If you’ve got too many screens on your PC open and running and it seems crowded, there is a quick fix to close all except the one you are currently using.
Just click on the title bar of the screen you want to leave running to select it. Hold the mouse down and move the screen back and forth quickly, like you are trying to disturb the screen. This will minimize all other open screens leaving only the one you selected to be open.
5. Screenshots
To screenshot the entire screen, tap on the “Windows” key + “Print Screen” key. The pictures will be saved to a Screenshots folder in the Pictures tab.
To screenshot a part of your screen, tap the “Windows” + “Shift” + “S” keys. This will open the “Snip & Sketch” tool on your system which you would use to cut the section of your screen you want to be screenshotted. This image will be saved to your Clipboard.
6. Check the Space Apps Have Taken Up
When there is no or very little space on your computer, it could begin to get really slow. To get things back to normal, you have to delete some apps especially if they are useless.
Go to “Settings”>”System”>”Storage”. Select the drive you want to check up on preferably “Local Drive” or “Your PC” in most cases. Next, click on “Apps & Games” and it would pop out all apps on your computer.
Now proceed to find that useless one and take it down.
7. Shut Down Background Apps
The good thing about the definition of computers is the fact that it multi task itself very efficiently. Apps that run on backgrounds can still function very well even when you have no idea they are running.
But this can be bad as you run the risk of draining your battery life and power and not to talk of your data. To manage this settings; Navigate to “Settings”>”Privacy”>”Background Apps”.
On the next page, you can manage which apps run on the background. You could stop all apps from doing so by toggling off the “Let all apps run in the Background” option. You could also scroll down that list of apps to select which apps are allowed to run in the background.
8. Show File Extensions in File Explorer
Unless your system does not use the Windows OS, you should know that file extension are always hidden. To change this default setting, follow the steps below;
- On the search tab at the bottom of the screen, type and click on “File Explorer Options”.
- Next menu, click on “View Tab”.
- Now, uncheck the box with the option “Hide Extensions For Known File Types”.
- Click on “Apply” and next “Ok”.
9. Silence Notifications Using Focus Assist
This gives you complete control over disturbing notifications and pop-up messages. Go to “Settings>”System”>”Focus Assist”.
Now, you can choose a Focus Assist mode and with each one you choose, a perfect explanation of how it works is given. Select one that best fits what you want.
10. Start Talking to Reduce Typing
This could be used to type messages and emails or short memos as it allows you to dictate your words instead of always having to type them. The main reason it won’t work for writing documents, articles or long contents is because of its punctuation issues.
Just hit the “Windows” key + “H” key. This will open up a little menu at the top of your screen with a link to an “Online Speech Recognition” setting. Click on it and proceed to toggle the “Online Speech Recognition” on.
Repress the trick button and see the magic happen.